3×7. Imagine UNCED 92 Rio, 21 years ago. And now: How many roads must be a misleading tourist trip to recycle IPBES Antalya 2013, land of Blue Asena she-wolf, friend of Romulus and Remus?
How many sustainable wishes expressed people in their relation to IPBES? How many ideas of land reform, direct democracy and basic income are discussed at IPBES Antalya 2013? Paradigm shift of post-materialism as a main focus at IPBES Antalya 2013?
Do You know: What are “relevant stakeholders”? What is a MEP Member in IPBES? Who really decides in IPBES? Key Questions. Key Qualifications for activists.
Your postmodern personal local knowledge about secret terms of policy and diplomacy will be important for biodiversity!
Look at Your newspaper! Did You search in Google for detailed informations about Antalya IPBES? Do You find any important message of sustainable relevance? Silence of Media in IPBES context, Scandal Silent Media is a phenomenon, a force which potentiates the Silent Spring with GMO HGT Danger – a secret of WTO TTIP business stalkeholders at IPBES Antalya and after.
The spiral of silence is a fact and connected with paradigm dogma DNA-double-helix. But enhancing the relevance of Sustainable Citizen Science without restrictions is a must for the world. Much more non-governmental organization? Yes. Really independent NGOs with power of truth can achieve it. “Bottom-up democracy” could be an important slogan everywhere in organisations of mankind.
The German Angst Word of the Year 2013 GroKo shows that policy science joint venture G7 G77 + croplife in IPBES Antalya works perfectly in global synchronicity. Let’s call it ‘perfect synchronistic parallelism diplomacy’. Industry has a long breath in horizon scanning like Friedrich Schiller shows this truth similar to Grand Inquisitor in catholic church and similar to other revolutionary clubs. More independent cash for biodiversity: IPBES Antalya 2013 vertat grosse Chance Biodiversitaet gegen GMO HGT zu schuetzen Stummer Fruehling potenziert.
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CropLife International + G77 = 77 Million $>( ipbes #antalya #foodsecurity #pollination #gmo flora wto
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CropLife International + G7 = 777 Million $>( ipbes #antalya #foodsecurity #pollination #gmo flora #bee bee wto
Scientific credibility was lost since Silent Spring and again and again, before and before. No change until today. No better update.
Second session of the Plenary of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES-2) 9-14 December 2013 Antalya, Turkey, internally called the international biodiversity show IPBES Antalya is over … nearly … 18:00 (07.37 pm) … lost in silence winter 2013, but silent spring must go on: Which kind of Biodiversität Theater Show will start in the secretary IPBES Bonn 2014, which is responsible for global biodiversity, pollination and food security without GMO?
How many roads must a man walk down before a good IPBES will work for humanity?
Bob Dylan and Joan Baez, Yoko Ono and John Lennon, Buffy Sainte-Marie and Woody Guthrie are still relevant – dead and alive.
And remember from 14.12.2013 – 17.12.2013 the 1833 last three days of Kaspar Hauser, grand ducal House of Baden, more than misled by a British nobleman, top secret agent Lord Stanhope, who contributed to the killing of the 21-year old kind of europa, but not pan-europa. Murdered Kaspar Hauser, friend of families von Stichaner und Lichtenberger, died 1833-12-17 at 22:00 in Ansbach near Nuernberg, Amberg-Sulzbach, Sulzbach-Rosenberg, where Christian Knorr von Rosenroth had worked.
“ENB SUMMARY AND ANALYSIS: The Earth Negotiations Bulletin summary and analysis of IPBES-2 will be available on Tuesday, 17 December 2013 online at: http://www.iisd.ca/ipbes/ ipbes2/”
“By the year 1852 Lord Stanhope was in possession of a crystal ball … The curious fact in this movement is, however, the degree in which it works within private families in America. Has anything of the kind appeared in England? And has the motion of the tables ever taken the form of alphabetical expression, which has been the case in America?”
Und nicht vergessen beim Hungern und beim Essen: This Land Is Your Land! And still tomorrow, land of the future: This Earth is Your Earth.
Dirkmarkus Lichtenberger, Amzion7 Transition Town D 02689, 14.12.2013 13.13 MEZ
Dipl. Biol. Dirkmarkus Lichtenberger
Soziale und oekologische Aktionsforschung
zwischen Underground und Devachan
Termine n.V. 0049 (0)35936 159822
Amzion7 Transition Town D 02689 Sohland an der Spree & situativ global lokal vor Ort
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