Schlagwort-Archive: UFOlogIn

Chronobiological Research in Cosmological Ecology for Recultivation and Reforestation with Analog Forestry

Mycorrhiza is important, but: Symbiosis between earth and cosmos is underestimated! Chronobiological Research in Cosmological Ecology for Recultivation and Reforestation with Analog Forestry of Planet Trees. With which experimental design can we examine the synchronicity between planets, stars and plants? … Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht unter Allgemein, Analog Agroforestry, Baeume, Baumschule, Biodiversitaet, Chronobiologie, English, Kosmologische Botanik, Pilze, Spenden, Wurzel | Verschlagwortet mit , | Hinterlasse einen Kommentar