“Why IPBES also in Antalya suppresses biodiversity dangers from GMO HGT in Pollination Crop Seed Food Security?” asked Dipl. Biol. Dirkmarkus Lichtenberger also in some critical questions at 2. Nationales Forum zu IPBES Bonn 2013.
“IPBES lost scientific credibility by suppression biodiversity dangers GMO HGT pollination food security seeds crops and other living beings“, regrets Dirkmarkus Lichtenberger.
“HGT Horizontal Genetransfer can bring naked DNA, rests of GMOs genetic manipulated information and so on in wild species and cultured plants and animals and human beings. Most Scientists don’t like to speak about this fact of nature! I hope my investigative public relations about GMO HGT DANGERS will help to correct the very big scientific mistake of IPBES Antalya! I am sure: In Bolivia, Brasil, Argentina, Mexico … indigenous knowledge knows danger of GMO HGT Horizontal Genetransfer!
Why are my scientific colleagues in Germany lost in Silent Spring of DNA Recombination Danger?
I work modestly with my Antirrhinum Snapdragon as pacifistic model for origin and phylogeny of biodiversity. Scrophulariaceae or Plantaginaceae? California or Mediterranean sustainable station with sustainable seedbank didactics? Be or not to be with bee and wild bees?
Can You hear in soundecology, soundscape and acoustic ecology some mysterious animals transferring horizontally DNA from our neighbours or do You need much more DNA barcoding and landscape genetics for saving biodiversity and ecosystem services instead of watching traditional knowledge and local knowledge?”
“No IPBES ANTALYA CONSENSUS without Asilomar Biohazard GMO HGT Integration Biodiversity Danger in IPBES Antalya from 2014 – 2020!” AKWdiva, Lausitzmega, Fatima Fengshui and some other vegetarian VIPs of MOTHER EARTH are singing their GMO WTO Bali protest song and these UNCED Ipanema girls from mafia texter investigative pr know why love is better.
Pesticides, Biocides and Antirrhinum Snapdragons other fancy stuff are banned since SILENCE SPRING … but in esoteric Horizon Scanning unconventional paradigms outlaws, lovely crazy people and mad scientists need fair crossroads for crossing cultures in ‘Stakeholder Engagement Strategy’ of IPBES Antalya. This is another Sustainable Citizen Science discussion for social art veterans in conspiracy policy.